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Expanding Service Area

We are expanding our service area to include:


- Marshall, MN​

- Fairfax, MN

- Gibbon, MN

- Winthrop, MN

- Gaylord, MN

- Morton, MN

- Redwood Falls, MN

- Norwood Young America, MN

- Waconia, MN

- Vesta, MN

- Milroy, MN


If your community is not specifically named, give us a call! It may not be listed yet.

We provide an Ash Tree Treatment to protect your trees against Emerald Ash Borer (EAB).

We've been providing ash tree treatments since 2019. 

We help everyone we can with truthful and accurate answers to saving their trees.

We start by verifying you have an ash tree by seeing if you have ash tree leaves.

Click here to identify if you have ash tree leaves.


The phone rang, it was months before the trees even were going to leaf out...



Ash Tree Treatment Phone Call

Good Morning! This is Kenny with Save The Ash Tree, how can I help?

I'm wondering if you can save my tree...

Sure, can you tell me more about what is going on?

It has bark that is coming off, and woodpecker holes. I think it has Emerald Ash Borer.

Okay...that is a bad sign. Did it leaf out last year?

Yes, but it looked like the ash tree leaves were smaller and thinning.

Oh...that is not good. Why did you wait to get your tree treated?

I was hoping that it might skip my tree.

Ugh...that sucks. I'm not sure there is anything I can do to save your tree. I'm sorry, the odds were not in your favor. EAB has already killed over a hundred million ash trees.

Thank you for your time.

**We hung up**


Ash Tree Treatment Factors

Usually, year 1 and year 2 infestations look like there is nothing wrong. It is in year three that it starts to look bad. The ash tree leaves start dying back or getting smaller.

A year four infestation is usually too far gone. Ash tree leaves can be missing from 50% or more of the tree along with dead branches.

Emerald Ash Borer spreads into new communities. It may feel slow at first, but then they sweep through neighborhoods killing trees.

We usually think about exponential growth as doubling every year...EAB 40-100x grows every year. It doesn't take long to realize even after a few years the populations reach billions, trillions, quadrillions...and more.

Because EAB is not native, there are no natural predators to stop them. Ash trees also have very limited defense mechanisms to slow them down.

EAB has stormed through many cities already. Starting in Detroit, but others include Chicago, Milwaukee, Des Moines, St. Louis, and more.  The only trees left standing are those that have had Emerald Ash Borer Treatments.

Some are asking questions about the efficacy of the ash tree treatment we provide. University studies have shown the Emmamectin Benzoate chemistry to provide 100% control over the two year duration of the treatment.

We back our service with a warranty that if your tree dies from Emerald Ash Borer while under our protection, we will refund your money for that year's treatment.

To be clear, Ash Tree Treatments need to be repeated every two years to provide proper protection. 

Biggest question, what does an ash tree treatment cost? It really depends on the size of your tree, but we can help you get a more accurate price. Fill out our online form and we'll send you a quote.


How long can I wait before I start ash tree treatments?

Many wait until they start seeing is almost a seeing is believing setup.

It doesn't matter to me until it hits my tree...if it hits your will hit your tree.

We understand you don't want to waste money if your tree isn't going to get infested with Emerald Ash Borer...

...but here's the deal...there is a 99.999999% chance your tree is going to die from

EAB if it is not treated. 

It is NOT a matter of is a matter of WHEN. 


What is your success rate with Ash Tree Treatments?

Actually, our success rate is over 97% success in saving ash trees.

We internally track every single tree we treat.

We have pictures of almost every tree along with any important notes for the tree.

Every tree has a tracking number assigned.

We can look them up in the system between your customer information or it's tag info. 

This is why we warranty our work, because we track our success and know what works and what doesn't.

Unfortunately, if your tree is showing signs of EAB infestation, we won't be able to warranty it.

We've been through it before and we know what is coming!

It is like watching a very slow giant unrelenting title wave that is coming.

You see it coming and you can tell everyone and some are reacting, other are not.

While we may be new your community, we are not new to Emerald Ash Borer.

We've lived through the passing through of Emerald Ash Borer in Columbus, OH in the late 2000's.

We moved to Minneapolis, MN and again have been living through it again...and we want to help you and your tree survive through it as well.

Having lived through it, I was waiting for some unmistakable sign to let me know, I personally needed to take action.

I too had sales guys knock my door and there was a disconnect between..."Treat your Tree" and the voice in my head..."I'm an arrogant field biologist, the tree looks fine!"​

We invite you to talk to your neighbors and share the message to treat their trees.

One of my clients has called me the dead of winter...

All the ash trees at my house and my neighbor's houses are dying. The only ones that good are the ones you you need to come out and treat them again soon?

Um...I can't, I need the trees to be out of dormancy, the juices need to be flowing in the tree. The chemical won't translocate properly, but I can get you on my schedule. Do you want to do that?


Please, consider protecting your tree, sooner than later.

Give us a call to speak with an ash tree expert today.

There is no cost to speaking with our team, and you get answers. 

We can answer most of your questions over the phone, send us pictures, and work remotely.

We like to make one trip and get everything taken care of all at the same time.

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