Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)
In 2002 the Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) was found in Detroit, Michigan and has been spreading out ever since. Extension agents have been tracking it's spread for the last 15 years. The beetle is native to Asia and is an invasive species. Millions of ash trees have been killed because of this non-native insect.
The larva feed below the bark disrupting the water and nutrient flow of the tree. They have been found in Minneapolis and trees have killed trees within the surrounding suburbs.
It is usually difficult to identify when EAB shows up on a tree until tree damage and branches start to die off. Usually there are emergence holes that appear in the shape of a D. However, these are very difficult to spot. You may listen for Woodpeckers, as they are looking for food.

EAB Inspection
The video is produced by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. It is primarily informational. Diagnosing EAB damage and proper protection of your tree have two different goals. The methods for identification have some level of destruction to the tree and are not required for treating your tree.
Spread of EAB
The point of origin for the spread is Detroit Michigan. You can see that EAB has spread out over the last 15 years. The map is from December of 2017 and that is when the EAB first showed up in Hennepin County.
The red on the map shows counties with confirmed cases of EAB. Yellow shows counties that have been quarantined. Doesn't take much to realize that EAB is spreading and will eventually spread all over the eastern united states.

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Dead Ash Trees Near You
Clear signs of damage from the EAB.
• Limbs of the tree are dead and no longer have leaves
• The ash tree has bare patches where the bark has fallen off
• Shoots are coming from the bottom of the tree.